News Desk, News Nation 360 : Ram Mahotsav and Bhajan Sandhya were celebrated on the historic day, which also happened to be the auspicious Pran Pratishta of Lord Ram in Ayodhya. On January 22, 2024, the Hindustan Club hosted the amazing Ram Mahotsav, which was a spiritual extravaganza that enthralled the community with heavenly fervour. President Narendra Kumar Tulsian, reflecting on the successful conclusion of the Ram Mahotsav, expressed gratitude to the community for their enthusiastic participation and support and stated that observing the unity
and collective devotion that pervaded the celebration is encouraging. The Pran Pratishta of Lord Ram Lalla represents a pivotal point in the spiritual development of the community. A serene atmosphere was created by the divine melodies of the Bhajan Sandhya, which featured Maaruti Mohataa and her troupe. An evening of devotion was presented to the attendees, encouraging a sense of spiritual harmony. The community's support, Hindustan Club Ltd.'s committed efforts, and its members' contributions made the Ram Mahotsav a great success. The community's cultural fabric was reinforced by the event in addition to celebrating religious traditions.
Pic - Krishnendu Kundu